The Path to Health and Wellness Lies in Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture Treatment: For millennia, acupuncture treatment has been used to achieve health and wellness. Acupuncture stimulates the neuro-chemical reactions in the body by increasing and balancing the flow of Qi and Xue (Energy and Blood) through distinct meridian or pathways that cover the body somewhat like nerves and blood vessels do. The result is the dissolution of stagnation and the relieving of pain. There is a saying "there is no pain if there is free flow; if there is pain, there is no free flow."
Our acupuncture therapy can help you relax and relieve bodily discomfort. By diagnosing which of the 8 different constitutional types your body falls into, we can guide you towards feeling better. Our treatment can help with:
- Neuro-Musculoskeletal Disorders such as Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, All Pain in the Limbs, Bell's Palsy, Stroke,
- All Kinds of Sports Injury,
- Mental Illness such as Drug or Alcohol Addiction, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety,
- PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Postmenopausal Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Infertility,
- Skin Problems, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis/Sinusitis, Psoriasis,
- Adverse Reactions to Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy
- Internal Disorders such as Indigestion, Stomach Reflux, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc.
In addition, acupuncture has been successful in treating acute and chronic pain where conventional drug therapy has failed.
Our acupuncture therapy can help you relax and relieve bodily discomfort. By diagnosing which of the 8 different constitutional types your body falls into, we can guide you towards feeling better. Our treatment can help with:
- Neuro-Musculoskeletal Disorders such as Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, All Pain in the Limbs, Bell's Palsy, Stroke,
- All Kinds of Sports Injury,
- Mental Illness such as Drug or Alcohol Addiction, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety,
- PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Postmenopausal Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Infertility,
- Skin Problems, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis/Sinusitis, Psoriasis,
- Adverse Reactions to Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy
- Internal Disorders such as Indigestion, Stomach Reflux, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc.
In addition, acupuncture has been successful in treating acute and chronic pain where conventional drug therapy has failed.